Thursday, 30 September 2010

THREE Watching ONE Working in Spain

The strike is over; if it was a real strike or just some radical people who always want to get our cities destroyed.

Today everything returns to "normal", and there is one thing that never changes, when you go around the Spanish cities.
People who work for the government, no matter which is the job, but where you can see it more clear, is with people who are working to fix the streets or things like that.

Well, the thing is there are always “at least” THREE Watching and ONE “or less” Working.

They don’t really pay any attention in what the other one is dong, they just pretend to be giving support, or soothing like that.

If you could put all them together, maybe the “non-workers” in spain would be much higher. The main problem of that is that they all get paid for do NOTHING!.

Such workers do not make this country go forward, and they don’t have many intentions to change, so it'll keep like that way for long.

But Spanish people pretend not to see that situation, so it must mean that they feel comfortable in a country where just half “or less” population, are really working.

Even so, the Spanish people seem happy with what they have!.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

General Strike in Spain, all Under Construction

Today it’s been a special; a General Strike was called to be today. The main problem nowadays in this country, is people don’t like going to their daily job, and you can think, that’s the same in other countries, but no, and here it’s in a different way.

I explain why, even the unemployment is all over Europe, here in Spain, keep growing day by day, people just want to work doing things they like, and they don’t know that the life its not like that.

Most of them are offered to work in a company where they are not going to do anything in relation with their studies, and they prefer stay at home waiting for an IDEAL Job than working while looking for it.

It makes Spain be one of the worst countries in Europe in that way, with over 20% of unemployment.

As usual, when there is a strike, or something that involve a crowd of furious people, everything goes wrong, and police can’t do anything about it.

The main cities get damaged and some innocent people get hurt.

That’s a problem that our society have to thing about, and try to find the pacific way to go on the right direction without the need of stop working or put innocent people in danger.

There is still a long way to go to fix it…

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Top Footy Teams and Games on TV

In Spain there are two Teams always fighting each other, as all of you'll know, they are Barcelona "Barça" and Madrid.

I want to write this coz today there was a match where Madrid took part. Its the beginning of the Champions League, and there is a lot of expectation about those games coz Madrid got the new coach, its Mourinho “Mou”.

The funny thing is that supporters of Barça want the worst for Madrid Team, so that all them are watching each game waiting them to lose. Sometimes that hope is higher than the hope for Barça to win. And the same happens in reverse.

The way both teams play nowadays, is actually totally different, but both very effective, they got very well known players like Cristiano Ronaldo “Madrid” and Messi “Barça”, but this season Barça seems to be one step ahead from Madrid.

The strength of these teams makes people deciding whether they support one or the other, and it makes Spain divided, coz even people can follow other teams from the Spanish league; they finally have to choose between the Big Two.

Today Madrid won with a poor game style, as usual. And Mou doesn’t feel very comfortable in this kind of situation, and doesn’t get the control of the situation.

From years ago, this fight is on, and I think will keep like this for many years.

Keep you informed!

Welcome to My Blog

I'm going to start introducing the main idea of this New Blog.

Here I wanna talk about whats going on in Spain, all different things that happen on the daily life, from news, TV, Sports, Gossip, everything...

I hope to keep you updat bout all those things, as much as I can.

This is a beginning of a Long Trip!
