Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Top Footy Teams and Games on TV

In Spain there are two Teams always fighting each other, as all of you'll know, they are Barcelona "Barça" and Madrid.

I want to write this coz today there was a match where Madrid took part. Its the beginning of the Champions League, and there is a lot of expectation about those games coz Madrid got the new coach, its Mourinho “Mou”.

The funny thing is that supporters of Barça want the worst for Madrid Team, so that all them are watching each game waiting them to lose. Sometimes that hope is higher than the hope for Barça to win. And the same happens in reverse.

The way both teams play nowadays, is actually totally different, but both very effective, they got very well known players like Cristiano Ronaldo “Madrid” and Messi “Barça”, but this season Barça seems to be one step ahead from Madrid.

The strength of these teams makes people deciding whether they support one or the other, and it makes Spain divided, coz even people can follow other teams from the Spanish league; they finally have to choose between the Big Two.

Today Madrid won with a poor game style, as usual. And Mou doesn’t feel very comfortable in this kind of situation, and doesn’t get the control of the situation.

From years ago, this fight is on, and I think will keep like this for many years.

Keep you informed!

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